Owner-manaÂged. Down to earth. International.
LUKAD is an owner-manaÂged comÂpaÂny based in the SauÂerÂland regiÂon of GerÂmaÂny. It comÂbiÂnes solid down-to-earthÂness with gloÂbal thinÂking and interÂnaÂtioÂnal success.
The oriÂgin of LUKAD HolÂding goes back to the founÂdaÂtiÂon of a scrap metal trade by Arnold MensÂhen in the 1950s and the purchaÂse of WalÂter StaufÂfenÂberg KG in the earÂly 1960s. At the beginÂning of the 70s Arnold MensÂhen founÂded the comÂpaÂny Georg MensÂhen KG.
DisÂpoÂsal, hydrauÂlic accessÂories and plaÂsÂtic packaging
Through a high level of creaÂtiÂviÂty and entreÂpreÂneuÂriÂal skills, proÂducts and serÂvices have been deveÂloÂped in the field of wasÂte disÂpoÂsal, hydrauÂlic accessÂories and plaÂsÂtic packÂaÂging. Today, the Stauff and MensÂhen Groups opeÂraÂte interÂnaÂtioÂnalÂly, in some cases with their own subÂsiÂdiaÂries and proÂducÂtion faciÂliÂties, or are repreÂsenÂted by sales partners.
Arnold MensÂhen sucÂcesÂsiÂveÂly hanÂded over the manageÂment of the various comÂpaÂnies to his two sons Knut and Lutz from the end of the 1980s. Knut MensÂhen took over the manageÂment of the Stauff Group in 1988 and the MensÂhen Group in 1995, and Lutz MensÂhen took over the scrap trade in 1992.
The 3 diviÂsiÂons were merÂged into LUKAD HolÂding in 2001, which faciÂliÂtaÂted the manageÂment of the various comÂpaÂnies and made a much cleaÂrer shareÂholÂder strucÂtuÂre posÂsiÂble.
In addiÂtiÂon, LUKAD HolÂding offers overÂarÂching serÂvices such as the entiÂre IT infraÂstrucÂtuÂre, comÂpliÂance and interÂnaÂtioÂnal human resourÂces manageÂment, tax conÂsulÂting, conÂtrolÂling, audiÂting and serÂvices for the annuÂal finanÂcial stateÂments for the 3 divisions.
FolÂloÂwing the deparÂtuÂre of Knut MensÂhen as ManaÂging DirecÂtor of LUKAD HolÂding in 2016, Lutz MensÂhen and Jörg Deutz took over the manageÂment of the holÂding company.
We, as the owner famiÂly, stand for comÂmitÂment, lonÂgeÂviÂty and thus for secuÂriÂty. By the way, the name LUKAD is comÂpoÂsed of the first names of the oriÂgiÂnal famiÂly shareÂholÂders:
L (Lutz) U (UrsuÂla) K (Knut) A (Arnold) D (DorÂle)
As a famiÂly, we are parÂtiÂcuÂlarÂly conÂcerÂned about supÂportÂing the peoÂpÂle who make LUKAD and its affiÂliaÂted comÂpaÂnies so sucÂcessful. TheÂrÂeÂfoÂre, speÂcial attenÂtiÂon is paid to the area of traiÂning and careÂer. The coopeÂraÂtiÂon with schools, colÂleges and uniÂverÂsiÂties also expresÂses this concern.
Jörg Deutz
Chief ExeÂcuÂtiÂve OffiÂcer STAUFF Group
Chief ExeÂcuÂtiÂve OffiÂcer LUKAD Holding
- JoiÂnÂed the STAUFF Group in 2003, initiÂalÂly as ManaÂging DirecÂtor of STAUFF in Germany
- SigniÂfiÂcant involÂvement in the conÂtiÂnuous expanÂsiÂon of the proÂduct ranÂge and the deveÂloÂpÂment of the comÂpaÂny into a cusÂtoÂmer-oriÂenÂted soluÂtiÂon provider
- SinÂce 2012 Chief ExeÂcuÂtiÂve OffiÂcer of the worldÂwiÂde STAUFF Group
- SinÂce 2016 addiÂtioÂnalÂly Chief ExeÂcuÂtiÂve OffiÂcer of LUKAD Holding
Lutz Menshen
ManaÂging PartÂner STAUFF Group
ManaÂging PartÂner LUKAD Holding
- As younÂger son of Arnold MensÂhen 1989 joiÂning the famiÂly business
- SinÂce 1995 memÂber of the manageÂment of the group of companies
- Today manaÂging partÂner in the opeÂraÂtioÂnal manageÂment of LUKAD HolÂding and the worldÂwiÂde STAUFF Group
LUKAD — a great perspective
InterÂnaÂtioÂnal Human ResourÂces Management
InterÂnaÂtioÂnal human resourÂces manageÂment deals with all meaÂsuÂres by which suiÂtaÂble human resourÂces can be perÂmaÂnentÂly secuÂred in interÂnaÂtioÂnalÂly actiÂve or mulÂtiÂnaÂtioÂnal companies.
On the one hand, this is about the impeÂtus that HR manageÂment can proÂviÂde, parÂtiÂcuÂlarÂly when conÂsideÂring wheÂther, wheÂre and how the comÂpaÂny should becoÂme involÂved abroad. On the other hand, this involÂves the conÂcepÂtiÂon, impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon and conÂtrol of cross-borÂder, interÂnaÂtioÂnal perÂsonÂnel management.
InforÂmaÂtiÂon Technology
LUKAD-IT is the cenÂtral serÂvice proÂviÂder of the group in the natioÂnal and interÂnaÂtioÂnal IT enviÂronÂment. From cliÂent serÂvices for appliÂcaÂtiÂon deveÂloÂpÂment to the manageÂment of comÂplex infraÂstrucÂtures and data cenÂter opeÂraÂtiÂons to the mapÂping of new busiÂness proÂcesÂses in IT logic.
The holÂding comÂpaÂny is responÂsiÂble for overÂall Group conÂtrolÂling, reportÂing and conÂsoÂliÂdaÂtiÂon. It also proÂviÂdes supÂport on tax issues.
All straÂteÂgic decisÂiÂons with regard to the deveÂloÂpÂment of the comÂpaÂny, the investÂment in or acquiÂsiÂtiÂon of comÂpaÂnies and also all strategic
InvestÂment proÂjects are deciÂded by the holÂding comÂpaÂny in conÂsulÂtaÂtiÂon with the responÂsiÂble manaÂging direcÂtors in the various busiÂness areas.