LUKAD Compliance
We stand for comÂmitÂment, lonÂgeÂviÂty and thus for secuÂriÂty. The cloÂse ties betÂween the owner famiÂly and the comÂpaÂnies are reflecÂted in the corÂpoÂraÂte philosophy.
We have comÂpleÂteÂly reviÂsed our Code of ConÂduct (“Code of ConÂduct”) with the new ediÂtiÂon 4.0 in 2022.
New: From now on theÂre is only one verÂsiÂon for cusÂtoÂmers, supÂpliÂers and employees. The new CoC is available in seveÂral languages.
With the new ediÂtiÂon, we defiÂne the legal and interÂnaÂtioÂnalÂly appliÂcaÂble proÂviÂsiÂons, the frameÂwork of our value and value comÂmitÂments for us even more clearly.
The Code of ConÂduct serÂves to set stanÂdards for ourÂselÂves and our expecÂtaÂtiÂons of third parÂties with whom we work. For each of us, the Code of ConÂduct is a proÂmiÂse to our cusÂtoÂmers*, supÂpliÂers, busiÂness partÂners* and other inteÂresÂted parties.
We comÂply with the laws of the countÂries in which we opeÂraÂte. Each employee* is responÂsiÂble for comÂplyÂing with the appliÂcaÂble laws.
Our Code of ConÂduct helps ensuÂre that we meet the higÂhest stanÂdards by meeÂting the higÂhest expectations.
This poliÂcy and the values descriÂbed theÂrÂein have been deveÂloÂped in colÂlaÂboÂraÂtiÂon with our employees* from the various sites and busiÂness units and have been drawn up and forÂmuÂlaÂted in cloÂse coopeÂraÂtiÂon with our comÂpliÂance officers.
It reflects our comÂmitÂment and the values of our comÂpaÂny: responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty, inteÂgriÂty, mutaÂbiÂliÂty, perÂforÂmance, but aboÂve all appÂreÂciaÂtiÂon and respect for each individual*!
We see comÂmitÂment to our shared values and the actions deriÂved from them as a preÂreÂquiÂsiÂte for our interÂnaÂtioÂnal sucÂcess. The full inteÂgraÂtiÂon of our Code of ConÂduct is cruÂcial for our gloÂbalÂly oriÂenÂted company.
It gives our cusÂtoÂmers* conÂfiÂdence in our proÂducts, our serÂvices and our proÂmiÂse. Our comÂmitÂment ensuÂres that we can be proud of our perÂforÂmance and our perÂcepÂtiÂon as a responÂsiÂble and interÂnaÂtioÂnalÂly oriÂenÂted company.
The new Code of ConÂduct for CusÂtoÂmers, Employees and SupÂpliÂers sumÂmaÂriÂzes our 10 prinÂciÂples that govern our cooperation:
- Social responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty and sustainability
- ManageÂment sysÂtems / QuaÂliÂty assurance
- EnviÂronÂment and sustainability
- Labor law prinÂciÂples
A. GeneÂral
B. OccuÂpaÂtioÂnal health and safeÂty
C. SmoÂking ban and addicÂtion preÂvenÂtiÂon
D. EmployÂment of famiÂly memÂbers and relaÂtiÂves
E. EmployÂment of forÂeigÂners*
F. Child labor
G. Forced labor - BusiÂness and trade secrets
- IntellecÂtuÂal and indusÂtriÂal proÂperÂty rights
- DealÂing with our busiÂness partÂners* and third parties
- AntiÂtrust laws
- Anti-BriÂbeÂry and Anti-CorÂrupÂtiÂon Policy
- IT secuÂriÂty manageÂment and data protection
InforÂmaÂtiÂon, reports on anomaÂlies and sugÂgesÂtiÂons for improÂveÂment or optiÂmizaÂtiÂon, or in the event of suspecÂted vioÂlaÂtiÂons of the law and our interÂnal code of conÂduct, as well as feedÂback for the optiÂmizaÂtiÂon of the regulations/guidelines, can be sent to us via the famiÂliÂar comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂon chanÂnels. You are also welÂcoÂme to send us an e‑mail to the folÂloÂwing address:
This Code of ConÂduct sets out the basic rules, stanÂdards and behaÂviÂors requiÂred to achieÂve theÂse goals.
The Code of ConÂduct appliÂes to all of us who work in or for LUKAD’s affiÂliaÂted comÂpaÂnies (“Employees”). TheÂse are the exeÂcuÂtiÂve bodies, manaÂgers, employees (incluÂding temÂpoÂraÂry workers, etc.) and other employees of LUKAD HolÂding GmbH & Co. KG. If LUKAD is menÂtioÂned in the Code of ConÂduct, this refers to all comÂpaÂnies directÂly or indiÂrectÂly conÂtrolÂled by it.
2. Trust through honest and faithful manageÂment of busiÂness — a perÂsoÂnal challÂenge and the result of joint efforts.
We can only achieÂve theÂse goals if everÂyoÂne involÂved coopeÂraÂtes. The Code of ConÂduct theÂrÂeÂfoÂre forÂmuÂlaÂtes binÂding requiÂreÂments for all employees.
ManaÂgers act as role models. They are responÂsiÂble for their own conÂduct and the conÂduct of employees in their area of responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty, as well as for proÂper comÂpliÂance with all proÂceÂduÂres proÂviÂded theÂrÂein to avoÂid repuÂtaÂtioÂnal and legal risks. They shall take necesÂsaÂry and reasonable steps to ensuÂre full comÂpliÂance with the Code of ConÂduct in our busiÂness pracÂtiÂces and procedures.
All other employees are supÂportÂed in knoÂwing and obserÂving all releÂvant laws and offiÂciÂal reguÂlaÂtiÂons in their work enviÂronÂment. In this conÂtext, the interÂnal insÂtrucÂtions and guiÂdeÂlines proÂviÂde essenÂtiÂal supÂport and orientation.
All employees are requiÂred to behave honestÂly and fairÂly in their work enviÂronÂment and to avoÂid any conÂflict betÂween priÂvaÂte and busiÂness inteÂrests of LUKAD or the inteÂrests of our customers.
All employees are stronÂgly encouÂraÂged to approach the ComÂpliÂance ContÂact or their superÂviÂsor if they becoÂme awaÂre that someone may not be behaÂving in accordance with the rules. This can preÂvent small proÂblems from becoÂming big ones. No employee who makes a comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂon in good faith need fear any disÂadÂvanÂtaÂge — even if the comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂon should turn out to be unfounÂded. This is the responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty of the comÂpaÂny management/the opeÂraÂting parÂties. ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂons may also be made anonymously.
Note on the use of indiÂviÂduÂal genÂder-speÂciÂfic designations
For reasons of simÂpliÂfied reaÂdaÂbiliÂty, we refrain from using indiÂviÂduÂal genÂder-speÂciÂfic desiÂgnaÂtiÂons in media and docuÂments prinÂted and digiÂtalÂly published. Of courÂse, all desiÂgnaÂtiÂons always appÂly equalÂly to all sexes and genÂder identities.
We are comÂmitÂted to equal opporÂtuÂniÂties and diverÂsiÂty. No one will be disÂcriÂmiÂnaÂted against becauÂse of his or her genÂder, race, ethÂnic or culÂtuÂral oriÂgin, reliÂgiÂon or belief, disaÂbiÂliÂty, age or sexuÂal oriÂenÂtaÂtiÂon. Nor will anyone’s freeÂdom of action or choice be impaiÂred, degraÂded or disturbed.
We expect all employees* and exterÂnal partÂners to respect the digniÂty, priÂvaÂcy and perÂsoÂnal rights of each and every one* of us.
What the asteriks* mean
Note on the use of individual gender-specific designations
We are comÂmitÂted to equal opporÂtuÂniÂties and diverÂsiÂty. No one will be disÂcriÂmiÂnaÂted against becauÂse of his or her genÂder, race, ethÂnic or culÂtuÂral oriÂgin, reliÂgiÂon or belief, disaÂbiÂliÂty, age or sexuÂal oriÂenÂtaÂtiÂon. Nor will anyone’s freeÂdom of action or choice be impaiÂred, degraÂded or disturbed.
We expect all employees* and exterÂnal partÂners to respect the digniÂty, priÂvaÂcy and perÂsoÂnal rights of each and every one* of us.
Chief ComÂpliÂance OffiÂcer LUKAD and STAUFF
ExterÂnal data proÂtecÂtion offiÂcer LUKAD
NotiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon of irregularities
NotiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon and reportÂing of irreÂguÂlaÂriÂties or suspecÂted vioÂlaÂtiÂons of the law and our interÂnal Code of Conduct.