Your Career with LUKAD
Are you looÂking for traiÂning or a new careÂer chanÂge? Are you inteÂresÂted in innoÂvaÂtiÂon and new daiÂly chalÂlenges? We can offer you a secuÂre job in an interÂnaÂtioÂnal comÂpaÂny. You have the freeÂdom to deveÂlop your own ideÂas and strengths in everÂyÂday busiÂness life. At LUKAD, you can purÂpoÂsefulÂly conÂtriÂbuÂte your know-how and expeÂriÂence. With us, you can expect a famiÂly atmoÂspheÂre that proÂmiÂses fun at work. FriÂendÂly interÂacÂtion with each other and mutuÂal supÂport in all areas.
If theÂse values also fit your ideÂas, then appÂly to us!
Job vacancies
We are looÂking for a SAP FI/CO ConÂsulÂtant (m/f/d) in full-time for the next posÂsiÂble date.
Your responÂsiÂbiÂliÂties:
RequiÂreÂment anaÂlyÂsis and impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of new future-proÂof soluÂtiÂons in cloÂse coorÂdiÂnaÂtiÂon with the proÂcess owners in the business.
OptiÂmizaÂtiÂon and furÂther deveÂloÂpÂment of the sysÂtems and proÂcesÂses of the holÂding comÂpaÂny and affiÂliaÂted finance/controlling units, natioÂnalÂly and internationally.
ImpleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of sysÂtem setÂtings by means of cusÂtoÂmiÂzing, anaÂlyÂsis of new, sysÂtem migraÂtiÂon and harÂmoÂnizaÂtiÂon potentials.
SupÂport of SAP FI and CO proÂjects in all decisiÂve phaÂses and assumpÂtiÂon of responÂsiÂbiÂliÂty as (parÂtiÂal) proÂject manager.
ParÂtiÂciÂpaÂtiÂon in worldÂwiÂde SAP rollouts.
IntenÂsiÂve coopeÂraÂtiÂon with the key users in the holÂding comÂpaÂny and in the indiÂviÂduÂal counÂtry comÂpaÂnies, as well as with the deveÂloÂpers for the impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of the requirements.
ResponÂsiÂbiÂliÂty for supÂport and traiÂning of SAP key users in the area of finanÂce and controlling.
ComÂpeÂtent contÂact perÂson for all SAP FI/CO releÂvant questions.
Your proÂfiÂle:
ComÂpleÂted proÂfesÂsioÂnal training.
ExpeÂriÂence in the IT indusÂtry > 3 years.
Very good SAP R/3 knowÂledge (at least) in the moduÂles FI/CO.
FurÂther moduÂle knowÂledge an advantage.
IdeÂalÂly alreÂaÂdy first expeÂriÂence with SAP S/4, or SimpÂle Finance.
Good geneÂral IT skills, ideÂalÂly expeÂriÂence with MicroÂsoft Data Lake and PowerBi.
IndeÂpenÂdent and secuÂre impleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of cusÂtoÂmer requiÂreÂments by means of customizing.
ProÂcess thinÂking and conÂsulÂtant mentality.
PerÂsoÂnal initiaÂtiÂve and commitment.
AbiliÂty to work in a team, reliaÂbiÂliÂty and strong comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂon skills.
FluÂent in GerÂman and English.
WilÂlingÂness to traÂvel up to 10%.
We offer:
An exciÂting work enviÂronÂment with nice colÂleÂagues in natioÂnal and interÂnaÂtioÂnal projects.
An open-ended employÂment conÂtract with a 5‑day work week and a non-tariff contract.
Use of comÂpaÂny-owned employee parÂking spaces and use of pool vehicÂles for busiÂness trips.
TraÂvel alloÂwanÂce, inflaÂtiÂon comÂpenÂsaÂtiÂon, employee beneÂfits, health manageÂment, in-house gym and free soft drinks.
ConÂtiÂnuous deveÂloÂpÂment with interÂnal and exterÂnal quaÂliÂfiÂcaÂtiÂon measures.
Two home base locaÂtiÂons to chooÂse from (WerÂdohl and DortÂmund) with a balanÂced home office arrangement.
PleaÂse send your appliÂcaÂtiÂon to or use butÂton “AppÂly directÂly online!”

As an innoÂvaÂtiÂve and modern interÂnaÂtioÂnal mediÂum-sized famiÂly busiÂness, we are always looÂking for regioÂnal juniÂor staff in order to train them opeÂraÂtioÂnalÂly. During your traiÂning, you will pass through various releÂvant departÂments and thus gain an insight into the strucÂtuÂre, proÂcesÂses and interÂreÂlaÂtiÂonships of LUKAD Holding.
At our site in WerÂdohl, we are looÂking for comÂmitÂted, motiÂvaÂted school leaÂvers who are reaÂdy to comÂpleÂte an appÂrenÂtiÂceÂship in an interÂnaÂtioÂnal company.
We are alreÂaÂdy looÂking for traiÂnees in all IT proÂfesÂsiÂons for the 2025 traiÂning year.
(UnfortÂuÂnaÂteÂly, the traiÂning places for 2024 have alreÂaÂdy been filled).
Young Professionals
After graÂduaÂting, you are cerÂtainÂly looÂking forÂward to finalÂly stanÂding on your own two feet and proÂving to yoursÂelf and the world what you are made of. Go for it!
How do you introÂduÂce yoursÂelf to your future employÂer so they can see your potenÂtiÂal? Good graÂdes are cerÂtainÂly an important area, but it is at least as important that you can give your counÂterÂpart a vivid impresÂsiÂon of your skills, quaÂliÂfiÂcaÂtiÂons, expeÂriÂence and strengths.
So along with your appliÂcaÂtiÂon, subÂmit docuÂments that can proÂve your sucÂcess in the field in addiÂtiÂon to your tranÂscripts. InternÂships and pracÂtiÂcal semesÂters are also important staÂtiÂons that belong here.
We also offer dual courÂses of stuÂdy for appliÂcants with a geneÂral uniÂverÂsiÂty entÂrance qualification.
With us theÂre are always exciÂting tasks — from admiÂnisÂtraÂtiÂon, orgaÂnizaÂtiÂon, serÂvice or appliÂcaÂtiÂon deveÂloÂpÂment, to temÂpoÂraÂry proÂject work.
SimÂply appÂly online sponÂtaÂneousÂly — some colÂleÂagues have quaÂliÂfied as perÂmaÂnent memÂbers of our team via this route.
Corporate Job Portals

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