Connect with STAUFF
For over 50 years, the STAUFF brand has stood for the deveÂloÂpÂment, manuÂfacÂtuÂre and interÂnaÂtioÂnal disÂtriÂbuÂtiÂon of line, sysÂtem and conÂtaiÂner comÂponÂents for mobiÂle and staÂtioÂnaÂry fluÂid techÂnoÂloÂgy applications.
This is STAUFF:
- More than 50,000 stanÂdard articÂles in 10 proÂduct groups as well as cusÂtoÂmer-speÂciÂfic speÂcial and sysÂtem solutions
- Modern proÂducÂtion faciÂliÂties that exceed curÂrent techÂnoÂloÂgiÂcal, ecoÂnoÂmic and ecoÂloÂgiÂcal standards
- CerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtiÂons in the areÂas of quaÂliÂty, occuÂpaÂtioÂnal safety,
- EnviÂronÂmenÂtal proÂtecÂtion and enerÂgy management
- High warehouse avaiÂlaÂbiÂliÂty in autoÂmaÂted logiÂstics centres
- WorldÂwiÂde netÂwork of subÂsiÂdiaÂries, sales and sysÂtem partners
Premium partner for hydraulics
The comÂpaÂnies of the STAUFF Group, to which VOSWINKEL has also belonÂged sinÂce April 2015, deveÂlop, proÂduÂce and disÂtriÂbuÂte line comÂponÂents and hydrauÂlic accessÂories for mechaÂniÂcal and plant engiÂneeÂring and indusÂtriÂal maintenance.
In addiÂtiÂon to mobiÂle and staÂtioÂnaÂry hydrauÂlics, typiÂcal areÂas of appliÂcaÂtiÂon include comÂmerÂcial and speÂcial vehicÂle conÂsÂtrucÂtion as well as the areÂas of transÂport and enerÂgy techÂnoÂloÂgy. STAUFF proÂducts and soluÂtiÂons are also used in the mariÂne, oil and gas indusÂtries as well as in proÂcess, food and cheÂmiÂcal engineering.
STAUFF’s proÂduct ranÂge currÂentÂly includes more than 50,000 stanÂdard comÂponÂents in ten proÂduct groups as well as a larÂge numÂber of speÂcial and sysÂtem soluÂtiÂons that are impleÂmenÂted accorÂding to cusÂtoÂmer speÂciÂfiÂcaÂtiÂons or based on in-house deveÂloÂpÂments. All STAUFF proÂducts are subÂjecÂted to extenÂsiÂve testÂing in accordance with comÂmon stanÂdards and guiÂdeÂlines and are subÂject to the high stanÂdards of the comÂpaÂny-wide manageÂment sysÂtem. For many articÂles, theÂre are also cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtes, apprÂovals and cleÂaranÂces from interÂnaÂtioÂnal instiÂtuÂtes, bodies and departÂments, which indeÂpendentÂly cerÂtiÂfy the quaÂliÂty and performance.
Our own subÂsiÂdiaÂries in currÂentÂly 18 countÂries and a worldÂwiÂde netÂwork of sales and sysÂtem partÂners ensuÂre a high level of preÂsence and guaÂranÂtee maxiÂmum avaiÂlaÂbiÂliÂty and serÂvice comÂpeÂtence on site.